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SEWIPG New Website

Posted on 18-Feb-2011

We have just released a new imporved website for the South East Wales IPG. We would welcome your thoughts as members.


If you are a member and want to release a message notice to the group you can now do so through the website. Send you notices to and we will authorise it with the committee and then post it to the website.


The SEWIPG Announcements

Posted on 16-Feb-2009

The SEWIPG has now been in existence, with great success, for 3 years. The steering committee wish to thank every member for your support & encouragement over this time, & look forward to continued success. 

It is a non-profit making group, & we have been very successful in accumulating a substantial “fighting fund” at this time. We have tried to maintain a balance between comfortable solvency & low cost course fees for members, & hope this has proven satisfactory for SEWIPG members. The steering group members have taken NO funds at all, except for direct costs in organising the course e.g. stationery, photocopying etc. The personal time applied to setting up & running the courses has been devoted free of payment, & it has been our pleasure to do so. 

We now feel it is time to invite interested colleagues to join the steering group, as “new blood” is always healthy for a group such as ours, & fresh ideas can rejuvenate interest.
In order to encourage new steering group personnel, we feel it is appropriate to set up a constitution which describes payment of a yearly honorarium to steering group members. This would help reimburse time spent organising these courses, & encourage a healthy turnover of steering group personnel.

Setting up the framework of such an arrangement requires discussion amongst members, as after all, it is YOUR group. We do not wish to draft a weighty tome hidebound with red tape, but we do need rules of conduct which steering group members can operate freely within, & yet do not bring heavy responsibilities or obligations yet ensuring the IPG maintains a productive, active programme which members continue to enjoy.

We propose that the conditions the Committee could operate under are:-

-That 3 or 4 QUALITY courses are held in any one year
-Each Course carries verifiable CPD Accreditation, approved by the Dental Postgraduate Dept of UWCM, with associated feedback forms submitted to the same.
-Preferential Rates for SEWIPG Members
-Rotate venues to allow equal access to all members
-Ensure that the Group is financially self-supporting
-Keep adequate financial records

Each Committee member allowed to draw from the account £100 per committee meeting, up to a maximum of 6 meetings per annum. This is to compensate for time spent on SEWIPG matters. This is in addition to direct costs incurred in these duties---eg stationery, postage, photocopying etc.,
Free attendance at the courses they have arranged.

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