Posted on 16-Mar-2010
Whatever your age, stage in your career, practice profile, etc.,it is most important that you have the right pension strategy. This evening is designed to give you essential pointers in planning that strategy. You literally can’t afford to get it wrong!
Whether setting aside a private pension, deciding what to do with the impending changes to the NHS pension scheme, Andrew’s presentation will aim to demystify the subject and help guide your decisions for your benefit. Andrew is chair of the BMA pensions committee and a practicing GP, and has had a wealth of experience dealing with the difficult subject of pensions for the Medical profession. He has applied that knowledge and experience to the Dental profession for our benefit.
There will be a stand withIndependent Financial Advisers available to help with individual cases in more depth
Venue: Copthorne Hotel, Culverhouse Cross, Cardiff
Date: Wednesday 28th April 2010,
Time: 6 for 6.30pm Commencing with a tasty buffet, Finish 9pm.
Members : FREE
Nonn-members: £30
Please return this portion, completed with Cheque Payable to ‘SEWIPG account’
To : Colin McCubbin, 100 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9LP
SEWIPG Member FREE Number_________________
Non-member £30 Number_________________